The first complete course version of the SeaHealth online learning platform is a fact. It concerns the first module, entitled “Basic Life Support”, which will be the reference model for the first evaluation of platform’s learning service quality. At the same time, the development of the other modules is in progress and they will soon be delivered to their potential users for evaluation.
A first presentation of the structure and content of the module “Basic Life Support” was held at a Captain of DANAOS Shipping and head of the company’s training center. The Captain’s first comments after the presentation focused on the user-friendly environment of the platform but also on the comprehensive course design, which appears to cover a number of possible events that could endanger the health of the seafarer at sea. Under the scope of the first round of user engagement with the platform, it was already given access to selected seafarers of the company to navigate themselves in the environment of the first module, watch the material and then evaluate it, by filling out a built-in form with a series of questions in reference to the quality of the whole learning experience.
The results of the first evaluation will help to further improve the platform in terms of course design and content. Our ultimate goal is to implement a complete and comprehensible to the seafarer, e-learning platform that will supply the necessary knowledge to him so to handle, as best as possible, the majority of the potential medical incidents onboard. The Seafarer, as being exposed to a demanding and often isolated from the rest of the world field of action, which is no other than the deep sea, needs to feel safe knowing and adopting all the best practices for dealing with any possible risk to his health.
The research project “Elearning platform for Seafarers for first aid and health issues”- SeaHealth (Υγεία εν πλω) through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation under the call RESEARCH –CREATE –INNOVATE, is implemented by SQLearn and Danaos Management Consultants in collaboration with the 1st Otolaryngology Clinic of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA).
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